Monday, June 20, 2011

Being a Creature of Habit with a Twist...

So remember how I said I could be a creature of habit? Well, I definitely was last week.

Brian and I decided to have "Date Night" on Thursday since his work schedule has him off Thursday and Friday. (Side note for couples out there: Date Night is SO awesome and is not, as I previously thought, just for ppl with children - it's a great way for you and your sig other to spend some quality time together. With crazy schedules like ours, they are a MUST.)

Anyway, we decided to do the tried and true "dinner and a movie." Most of the time, when we do dinner and a movie, we just go to a quick and easy favorite restaurant like our fave Mexican place or something like that. This time, we decided to vary it a bit and went for sushi...another favorite that we rarely visit.

New Braunfels has one sushi restaurant and it is DEFINITELY worth your time to stop in when you are visit our town. A-Tan Asian Bistro and Sushi Bar is located at 1528 E. Common Street (just off loop 337 past Rudy's). It's a cozy, comfortable, casual restaurant (the 3 C's I care most about) with an amazing staff.

Family-owned and operated, A-Tan's provides high quality sushi and other Asian fare. When we go, we always try to sit at the sushi bar and talk with Mike (one of the owner's relatives and an AMAZING chef). He is always eager to talk movies, sports and of course recommends some great dishes. Mike and Susie, the owner, always seem to remember what we ordered the last time (seriously, we are only in there every few weeks - they have some skilled memory) and recommend new rolls or dishes they think we would like. Now THAT is customer service.

Thursday, we decided to stick with rolls and started with our tried and true crunchy yellow tail, and then took two of Mike's recommendations and tried the JBL roll and the spicy white tuna roll. WOW...the JBL roll is NOT for the faint of is spicy, flavorful and just plain fun. Seeing the roll topped with diced jalapenos, we were both excited...I mean, who in Texas doesn't like a little heat in their food anyway? We gladly took a piece each and popped it in our mouths. Within miliseconds, our eyes watered and I decided I knew exactly what a dragon feels like as it prepares to breath fire. Then, as quickly as it started, the burning stopped and I could taste the full flavor of the roll, which was fabulous!

We happily finished our JBL roll, albeit with some of the jalapenos removed, and then moved onto the white tuna and yellow tail. Both were phenomenal. As we talked with Mike, he recommended we try another when we return and said he would remind us when he saw us again. After a quick chat with Susie, we were on our way to the movies. YAY!

Does anyone else get really excited when you go to the movies? I always do. I think because, as a child, we never really went to the movies. They were always too expensive. So now I see them as mini-adventures and always a treat. We decided to see the new summer hit, Super 8 at the Creekside Theatre.

Let me first say that I am SOOOO glad the Creekside Theatre is is SO nice. Brian and I LOVE going there. For those who did not go see a movie in New Braunfels prior to January 2011, you have no idea - our new theatre at Creekside is like our own little slice of paradise.

Anyway, I we went to our "cinematic adventure" (as Dane Cook calls it), found our perfect seats and prepared to watch the movie. Super 8 started and it was a FANTASTIC film. LOVED it. I refuse to spoil a moment of it by divulging details, but I will say this: Any child of the 80s will totally appreciate this nod to our generation. I was completely blown away by the film. The storyline was great...seeing the story unfold in a setting so familiar and lost reminded me of the days before cellphones and texting and the internet. A time when kids could be kids without parents worrying so much. It was comfortable and for almost 2 hours, I forgot it was 2011. Now THAT was a cinematic adventure.

So, see, dinner and a movie, while "cliche" to some can be your own little adventure if you add just the right twist. Go to a different restaurant - someplace fun like A-Tan - and try something new like our JBL roll. Don't just order the same thing you always order because that's what leads to ruts. It's these little changes that can make for a fun evening.

Then, try out a different kind of movie. Yeah, everyone is seeing the new X-Men or Pirates (which I love btw) movie, but why not try something different? Try something you haven't thought of before. See Woody Allen's new film or a kid film like Judy Moody and the Not So Bummer Summer or a sci-fi movie like Super 8 that will leave you remembering much more than just the special effects. Just do something different and remember...everyday is a chance for a little adventure!

Talk to you next time everyone...Date Night is coming up and I am thinking....Pottery painting at Bisque Bistro in beautiful downtown New Braunfels!

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